Learn the rules of the range!
Rules are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the range/match director. Any changes or additions to the rules below will be covered in the pre-match brief.
Hearing and eye protection are required by all shooters and observers once you enter the match area. A shooter does not have to wear eye protection while shooting a rifle. If a pistol is involved, eye protection must be worn while engaging pistol targets. We use steel at 10 yards for pistol engagements.
Frontline Defense Firearms Training Center and Range is a cold range. Once you have entered the property at the gate all firearms are to be unloaded with no magazine inserted into any firearm. No ammunition (live or training) allowed in the firearm.
All firearms are to be carried in a case, holster (with no magazine), or on a “gun buggy” or cart with the muzzle pointed down towards the ground with a chamber flag inserted. If you do not have a chamber flag one will be given to you. Ask for one! If you are waiting to shoot a stage and your rifle is grounded, it must have a chamber flag and pointed downrange.
Shoulder carrying of rifles is allowed between stages after you show clear to the stage controller. Muzzle is to remain to the ground. Slings will be allowed in the stage area for active use in the match. If you are hand carrying a rifle to the ready line or between stages, the muzzle must remain pointed towards the ground with chamber flag inserted.
Use of slings and other methods of carrying firearms will be covered in the match briefing.
Muzzles must be pointed down range or down at the ground and your finger off the trigger during the loading stage and when not actively engaging a target. When moving from cover or concealment, or during any movement forward or sideways from the starting shooting position the muzzle will be pointed down range or down at the ground and your finger off the trigger placed alongside and above the trigger guard. Range Officers will issue a verbal reminder or may issue an automatic disqualification from that stage or the entire match.
Dropping a loaded firearm at any time during the match is an automatic disqualification from that stage. Having a loaded magazine in the firearm before the command of load and make ready is an automatic disqualification of the entire match. Muzzle sweeping someone or breaking the 180 rule is an automatic disqualification for the entire match. No exceptions.
No targets shall be engaged forward of any pre-determined fault line. During the stage briefing the stage controller will dictate where the fault line is for that stage. Cover or concealment may serve as a fault line. Violations of shooting forward of the fault line will incur a one-minute penalty per occurrence added to the total time. Calling out wind or dial ups from anyone during a shooters run on the stage is unauthorized. Absolute Zero Sniper Matches courses of fire (COF) are individual events designed to test a shooter’s individual skill and ability. Therefore coaching a shooter while they are conducting a stage is prohibited. Assistance before and after a stage is not only authorized but encouraged especially for new shooters, but not during a stage. The stage Controller will assist if needed. This is a competition!
Ammo count for the match will be posted on our website along with the date of the next match. Round counts are the maximum needed. Bring a few extra rounds in case of misfires.
No armor piercing, tracer, green tip or steel core rifle ammo; we shoot at steel.
Hollow points are allowed for pistols.
Policing of your brass is allowed.
The following equipment is gear allowed besides your rifle.
If it’s not listed, contact us or ask before the match.
BARRICADE DEVICESA barricade bag can be used. Any size. A barricade stop that is attached to your stock is allowed. These devices will help protect your rifle stock as some of our positional shooting will be shooting off of rough surfaced objects. A back pack can be used for a barricade bag, but it must be the backpack your using all day with your gear inside. No dumping of contents before the stage.
SLINGSWhen slings are used for rifles the muzzle must remain pointed towards the ground or down range when you are setting up to shoot or engaging the stage.
BIPODSBipods are allowed for rifle stages. Bipods are two extended legs, not three. Bipod must remain attached to the rifle from the start of the match till you are finished with the last stage of the match.
REAR BAGRear bag must be constructed of a material that contains a filler unit (beans, rice, sand, plastic pellets etc.) No solid mono pods or adjustable rear devices that either adjust in height up or down by mechanically adjusting it.
RANGE FINDERAny laser ranging device is allowed.
BACK PACKHighly encouraged during the match for carrying water, ammo, rain gear etc. You cannot empty the contents at a stage and use it to prop up your firearm. You are allowed to use it in any way you see fit while in a stage (in a safe manner) but no dumping of the contents before use.
WIND READING DEVICESKestrel, etc. are allowed.
Feel free to contact us ahead of time if you any questions.
If a pistol is involved, holsters must cover the trigger guard area. Serpa, Kydex, and drop-leg platforms are allowed. There will be a lot of movement. Make sure your pistol is secure. No inside the waistband holsters permitted (i.e., no conceal carry). Open sights or red dots are allowed. No limits on magazine capacity for any firearms.
gun cart/buggy
elbow/knee pads
rain gear
footwear for rough terrain
water and snacks
bug repellent
Shade tents and shooting mats will be provided by the range at stages if needed. The range will provide water for competitors.